Thomas Eggerer
The Terror of All Things Liquid (2005)
Thomas Eggerer was born in 1963 in Munich, studied Painting Art at the Academy in Munich, and after staying in New York, he is now living in Los Angeles since 1999. After his move to the States he first turned away from painting and started working more conceptionally: in the nineties he was a member of Group Material and was also working together with Jochen Klein. In the meantime he has had great success with painting again. In his works he concerned with questions of his own identity and his role as an indiviual in society. He is very interested in the mechanisms of belonging and separation, individual and collective Utopias, conformism and hierarchy.
For Texte zur Kunst, Thomas Eggerer made silkscreen with the title "The Terror of All Things Liquid" (2005). It measures 59,4 x 77,2 cm and is signed and numbered. It is an edition of 100 + 20 AP's and costs 245.00 Euros + shipping.